Uncluttered Professional Organizing Blog

Photo Friday – Seeding the Future

Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah offers spectacular views and scenery. My husband and I visited the park in 2015 and I couldn’t stop taking pictures. These photos are from an area in the canyon called Wall Street.

I found it amazing one little seed, dropped at the bottom of a canyon could root itself in the clay floor and grow into such a formidable tree. When you see the size and scope of the jagged canyon walls, or hoodoos as they’re called, it seems unlikely plant life could survive. Yet this tree has thrived year after year. It navigated its way through the rocks and the jagged ledges to reach the sunlight.

I love this picture because it’s a reminder that planting a little seed can lead to big growth where you least expect it. My hope is that this photo will inspire you to review the last 12 months from a different perspective and look at the coming year with renewed anticipation of how you can plant a seed in your own life that leads to growth and inspires others.

Inspired Life Action:

Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, commit to one small action or habit that you know will form the foundation for something great in 2019.


Planting a little seed can lead to big growth where you least expect it. What seed are your planting for 2019? Share on X


This image is one of the more than 92,000 digital images in my personal photo collection. My love of photography and preserving memories is what led me to develop customized photo organizing services. To schedule your photo organizing consultation email me: linda@unclutterednw.com

Linda Deppa

Linda Deppa has seen more clutter than you could make in your lifetime - and found a place for all of it.

As a Certified Professional Organizer, Linda has helped hundreds of clients experience the joy that comes from reclaiming their space, and the relief of bringing their shoulders down from their ears when they realize they no longer feel stressed walking into a cluttered home or office.

Linda’s success in working with clients goes beyond her ability to organize their possessions. Her own life experiences, including a life-altering car accident, gives her a deep desire to help each of her client’s live life to the fullest. What starts as an organizing project with Linda often leads to mindset shifts that impact other areas of their lives.

Linda is a member of the National Associate of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and current President, past Vice President, Treasurer and Membership Director of the Seattle-based NAPO chapter.

A skilled presenter and motivational speaker, consider hiring Linda to speak at your next conference or event. Contact Linda via email: linda@unclutterednw.com

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