Uncluttered Professional Organizing Blog
Start Early for Photo Gifts | Uncluttered

Start Early for Photo Gifts

It might seem there’s plenty of time before the holidays, but Christmas will be here before you know it. That means now is the time to start your photo gift projects.

Before you object, consider that you’re actually giving a cherished memory and thoughtful gift. The experience should be as enjoyable for you creating it as it is for the person receiving it. Giving yourself time to enjoy the process makes it that much more special.

In addition, starting now means you won’t be worried about delays, additional fees, or having the project slip your mind altogether. Here are a few other things to keep in mind.

Life gets busy.

It’s amazing how quickly time flies as we get to the end of the year. Your calendar might not be full yet, but it’s inevitable around the holidays. Once you have a fabulous idea and great pictures, there’s no reason to wait.

It takes time to choose family memories.

Chances are you will sift through and consider hundreds of photos from the camera roll on your phone. That process alone takes time.

If it’s a photo book or album you’ll need time to find all the photos. If all you need is a single image it might take time to determine the one that’s most perfect for your gift.

Creating a photo gift might seem like a weekend project but give yourself time to enjoy sorting through memories and selecting the photos with the most meaning.

Last minute photo projects aren’t enjoyable.

Stressing out over whether your gifts will arrive on time can take the enjoyment out of giving a thoughtful gift. The closer we get to the holidays the more delays you can encounter during the process. A company’s website might promise to complete your gift within 5-7 days, but they can’t account for shipping delays or winter weather that slow down the process.

Creating a photo gift might seem like a weekend project but give yourself time to enjoy sorting through memories and selecting the photos with the most meaning.

When you start planning your picture-perfect gift now you’ll enjoy the entire process not just the reactions on Christmas morning.

If you have a bigger photo project on your hands, let’s talk. My team can organize your photos and set up a backup system to protect your memories. Send me an email at linda@unclutterednw.com and let’s talk about what’s on your mind.

Linda Deppa

Linda Deppa has seen more clutter than you could make in your lifetime - and found a place for all of it.

As a Certified Professional Organizer, Linda has helped hundreds of clients experience the joy that comes from reclaiming their space, and the relief of bringing their shoulders down from their ears when they realize they no longer feel stressed walking into a cluttered home or office.

Linda’s success in working with clients goes beyond her ability to organize their possessions. Her own life experiences, including a life-altering car accident, gives her a deep desire to help each of her client’s live life to the fullest. What starts as an organizing project with Linda often leads to mindset shifts that impact other areas of their lives.

Linda is a member of the National Associate of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and current President, past Vice President, Treasurer and Membership Director of the Seattle-based NAPO chapter.

A skilled presenter and motivational speaker, consider hiring Linda to speak at your next conference or event. Contact Linda via email: linda@unclutterednw.com

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